The Evolution of My Blog

Minsuk Kang’s Blog #1 Minsuk Kang’s Blog #2 Minsuk Kang’s Blog #3 Minsuk Kang’s Blog #4 Minsuk Kang’s Blog #5 Minsuk Kang’s Blog #6 Minsuk Kang’s Blog #7 Minsuk Kang’s Blog #8 Minsuk Kang’s Blog #9


  • In 2020, started blogging with WordPress hosted on Bluehost.
  • Looked for a cheaper, lighter option.
  • Found Ghost and subscribed to Ghost Pro, trying minimal themes.
  • Discovered Bear Blog and became fascinated with static websites.
  • Learned how to deploy websites with Hugo and Netlify.
  • Tried several Hugo themes such as No Style Please and Bear Cub.
  • Designed a new theme called Kang.